So we're coming to the end of 2013, this year for pretty little liars has given us the revelation that Alison Dilaurentis is truly alive and well. We're looking forward to seeing what 2014 brings the girls and the show.
Tuesday, 31 December 2013
Monday, 30 December 2013
Sunday, 29 December 2013
Theories: Aria
So because it is only 9 days until Pretty Little Liars returns, we're going to be posting some theories. Some will be about A, some will be about Alison, some will be about the girls in general and some will link into more than one of those categories. So we've decided that, because there are so many fan theories and suspicion, we're going to start with Miss Aria Montgomery.
Multiple Personality Disorder?
In the pilot episode (1x01) Aria orders a cheeseburger in the bar in Hollis, where she met Ezra Fitz, however in later episodes she and Spencer have a conversation about being 'excused from dissection in Biology due to Vegetarian grounds. Also in season 4, Jake and Aria are talking and he asks her if he could take her to get a steak or something but she politely declines saying that she doesn't eat meat, at all. This could just be that Aria has changed her mind, and become a vegetarian but it doesn't seem that simple, could she have a multiple personality disorder?
Some symptoms of a multiple personality disorder are paranoia, Anxiety, Panic attacks, Phobias, flashbacks and 'Out of body experiences'. Aria admitted to feeling like she had an 'out of body experience' when Melissa found Ian's body at the beginning of season 2. Aria had a panic attack in the girls bathroom/toilets at Rosewood High in season 3 when she thought that she saw -A. In 4x01, after the girls found a pig in the trunk of Wilden's cop car, Aria seemed to be the most paranoid - she kept looking out of the window as if she was checking nobody was coming, Mona said to Aria 'Aria you can stop looking out of the window, they aren't coming for us'. Flashbacks are a very common theme in the whole show, but most of Aria's flashbacks relate to the same thing - this is a symptom of Multiple Personality Disorder (where a theme/object is a trigger to a certain memory). When Aria and Alison found Byron cheating on Ella with Meredith, this seems to be the trigger. In other Aria-Ali flashbacks it all seems to link to that moment/discovery. Most of the Ali-Aria flashbacks are to do with this discovery - for example, in one flashback we see Aria and Ali trashing Mr Montgomery's office at Hollis, in other flashbacks we see them talking about it/Ali making remarks about it.
In season 4, Aria and Jake are watching a movie and the main character in it supposedly has a multiple personality disorder, she is seen scratching her knee. Later on in the same episode we see Aria doing the SAME thing.
In the film, The Black Swan, the main character suffers with a personality disorder and ends up stabbing herself because she thought it was someone else out to get her. Aria is dressed as the Black Swan in UnmAsked.
Another symptom of Multiple Personality Disorder is High Risk Sexual Behaviour - Aria and Ezra have/had a sexual relationship which is frowned upon/illegal as he is/was her teacher. This could be a hint/clue that she suffers from Multiple personality disorder, maybe Ezra does too, after all he was revealed to be -A in the season 4A finale. Could they be in it together?
After reading and watching some other fan theories, a theme that has been common is that Aria is the only one to have seen -A in certain situations but -A then quickly vanishes. Some fans think that this might be because her 'A personality' is leaking into her consciousness, instead of staying subconscious. A couple of examples could be when Garrett Reynolds' mother is taken into hospital and the girls are stood watching, and Aria notices an -A type figure stood watching them. Another example could be when the girls are sneaking into the morgue and Aria is on watch outside and she sees redcoat/-A coming down the corridor through the mirror, but then chases them and they are seemingly gone.
Another theme that is common is the pig theme, a symptom of Multiple personality disorder is that can start from a child creating a role or character to 'escape' a traumatic event or issue, if this continues throughout their lifetime, they can develop the full Multiple Personality Disorder. A couple of theories have noticed that that Aria was obsessed with her pig puppet, one theory imparticular has noted that maybe Aria's pig puppet was their escape character. The pig theme is very common throughout the series, and -A's messages (-A made Hanna eat the pig cupcakes, there was a pig in Wilden's cop car etc.).
So what do you think? Does Aria suffer from Multiple personality disorder? Is she -A? Let us know in the comments!
Pretty Little Liars returns on January 7 at 8pm, on ABC Family
Multiple Personality Disorder?
In the pilot episode (1x01) Aria orders a cheeseburger in the bar in Hollis, where she met Ezra Fitz, however in later episodes she and Spencer have a conversation about being 'excused from dissection in Biology due to Vegetarian grounds. Also in season 4, Jake and Aria are talking and he asks her if he could take her to get a steak or something but she politely declines saying that she doesn't eat meat, at all. This could just be that Aria has changed her mind, and become a vegetarian but it doesn't seem that simple, could she have a multiple personality disorder?
Some symptoms of a multiple personality disorder are paranoia, Anxiety, Panic attacks, Phobias, flashbacks and 'Out of body experiences'. Aria admitted to feeling like she had an 'out of body experience' when Melissa found Ian's body at the beginning of season 2. Aria had a panic attack in the girls bathroom/toilets at Rosewood High in season 3 when she thought that she saw -A. In 4x01, after the girls found a pig in the trunk of Wilden's cop car, Aria seemed to be the most paranoid - she kept looking out of the window as if she was checking nobody was coming, Mona said to Aria 'Aria you can stop looking out of the window, they aren't coming for us'. Flashbacks are a very common theme in the whole show, but most of Aria's flashbacks relate to the same thing - this is a symptom of Multiple Personality Disorder (where a theme/object is a trigger to a certain memory). When Aria and Alison found Byron cheating on Ella with Meredith, this seems to be the trigger. In other Aria-Ali flashbacks it all seems to link to that moment/discovery. Most of the Ali-Aria flashbacks are to do with this discovery - for example, in one flashback we see Aria and Ali trashing Mr Montgomery's office at Hollis, in other flashbacks we see them talking about it/Ali making remarks about it.
In season 4, Aria and Jake are watching a movie and the main character in it supposedly has a multiple personality disorder, she is seen scratching her knee. Later on in the same episode we see Aria doing the SAME thing.
In the film, The Black Swan, the main character suffers with a personality disorder and ends up stabbing herself because she thought it was someone else out to get her. Aria is dressed as the Black Swan in UnmAsked.
Another symptom of Multiple Personality Disorder is High Risk Sexual Behaviour - Aria and Ezra have/had a sexual relationship which is frowned upon/illegal as he is/was her teacher. This could be a hint/clue that she suffers from Multiple personality disorder, maybe Ezra does too, after all he was revealed to be -A in the season 4A finale. Could they be in it together?
After reading and watching some other fan theories, a theme that has been common is that Aria is the only one to have seen -A in certain situations but -A then quickly vanishes. Some fans think that this might be because her 'A personality' is leaking into her consciousness, instead of staying subconscious. A couple of examples could be when Garrett Reynolds' mother is taken into hospital and the girls are stood watching, and Aria notices an -A type figure stood watching them. Another example could be when the girls are sneaking into the morgue and Aria is on watch outside and she sees redcoat/-A coming down the corridor through the mirror, but then chases them and they are seemingly gone.
Another theme that is common is the pig theme, a symptom of Multiple personality disorder is that can start from a child creating a role or character to 'escape' a traumatic event or issue, if this continues throughout their lifetime, they can develop the full Multiple Personality Disorder. A couple of theories have noticed that that Aria was obsessed with her pig puppet, one theory imparticular has noted that maybe Aria's pig puppet was their escape character. The pig theme is very common throughout the series, and -A's messages (-A made Hanna eat the pig cupcakes, there was a pig in Wilden's cop car etc.).
So what do you think? Does Aria suffer from Multiple personality disorder? Is she -A? Let us know in the comments!
Pretty Little Liars returns on January 7 at 8pm, on ABC Family
Saturday, 14 December 2013
Sara Harvey
With the upcoming season of Pretty Little Liars not too far away, new promos and sneak peeks are being released and we thought it would be interesting to look at the sneak peek imparticular.
Here is the official episode synopsis:
We're focusing on the new sneak peek for the episode for this post though. In the sneak peek, it shows Hanna, Spencer and Emily seemingly in a classroom talking about what Hanna found out about who she thinks is in Ali's grave.
Hanna tells the girls that she has done some research and found a girl from Cortland called Sara Harvey who went missing around the same time Ali did, and her parents think she ran off with a boy. She's blonde, same age and she's 'sort of Ali's size'. Hanna mentions that it's not too far away and it's the same timing. Then Hanna tells Spencer and Emily about e-mailing Sara's friends saying 'We have some things in common and I think we should talk, it could be like a support group thing'. Then -A puts a video on which says about school and then a message comes up on the screen saying:
Here is the official episode synopsis:
Armed with the knowledge that Alison is alive, Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer have more questions now than ever before in an all-new episode of “Pretty Little Liars,” entitled “Who’s In The Box?,” airing Tuesday, January 7 (8:00 – 9:00 PM ET/PT). Trying to put the pieces together Hanna comes up with the idea that if they find out who is really buried in Ali’s grave it may lead to much needed answers. But as the girls search, Emily has trouble dealing with how she feels about Alison being alive.
Meanwhile, Caleb returns to Rosewood, and Ezra has clandestine meetings with Mona and Aria. We're focusing on the new sneak peek for the episode for this post though. In the sneak peek, it shows Hanna, Spencer and Emily seemingly in a classroom talking about what Hanna found out about who she thinks is in Ali's grave.
Hanna tells the girls that she has done some research and found a girl from Cortland called Sara Harvey who went missing around the same time Ali did, and her parents think she ran off with a boy. She's blonde, same age and she's 'sort of Ali's size'. Hanna mentions that it's not too far away and it's the same timing. Then Hanna tells Spencer and Emily about e-mailing Sara's friends saying 'We have some things in common and I think we should talk, it could be like a support group thing'. Then -A puts a video on which says about school and then a message comes up on the screen saying:
Ali, Ali Oxen-free, whoever finds her gets to keep her -A
And the girls ask eachother if they just got dared.
We think that this sneak peek gives a real insight into what the girls are going to be doing/looking for this season.
Pretty Little Liars returns on January 7, on ABC Family
Saturday, 7 December 2013
Season 2 scene edits
So we've been re-watching season 2 to prepare for the return of Pretty Little Liars on January 7th and we've been making some scene edits of our favourite scenes (and quotes!).
What are your favourite scenes and quotes from season 2? Let us know in the comments section!
What are your favourite scenes and quotes from season 2? Let us know in the comments section!
Pretty Little Liars returns on Tuesday, January 7, 2014 on ABC Family
Monday, 2 December 2013
Lucy's debut single
Lucy Hale (Aria Montgomery) will be releasing her debut single 'you sound good to me' on January 7
We can't wait!! Are you excited for the release?
Saturday, 16 November 2013
The residents of Rosewood
We thought it would be interesting to write a little bit about each resident of Rosewood (past AND present), and how they could tie in with the disappearance and attempted murder of former queen bee, Alison DiLaurentis.
The Montgomery family
Aria: As everyone knows (or should know!) Aria Montgomery was one of Alison's best friends. Aria was close with Ali and she was with no other than Miss DiLaurentis when she discovered her father's affair with one of his students, Meredith. Alison used this against her and Mr Montgomery and threatened to tell Aria's mother, Ella. Like her other BFFs Aria hated Alison but also really loved her, kind of a love-hate relationship really.
Mike: Mike is Aria's brother, as far as we know he had no real relationship with Ali. Mike suffered with depression in season 2 after his parents' split, but that wasn't really pursued as a storyline. Mike was absent for the whole of season 3 but returned in season 4a.
Byron: Byron Montgomery is Aria and Mike's father, he had an affair with Meredith, a student at Hollis when he was teaching there - however when the family returned to Rosewood after a year abroad in Iceland, -A revealed Byron's affair to his wife, Ella, in a note. Byron and Ella split and Meredith began dating him. Alison blackmailed Byron for money and he saw her on the night of her 'death'.
Ella: Ella is Aria and Mike's mother. After finding out about Byron's affair, she moved out of the family home - this is what seemed to have triggered Mike's depression - and moved into the apartment above the art gallery she was working at. Ella later became a teacher at Rosewood High school. Ella had a few issues with Alison.
The Hastings family
Spencer: Spencer was Ali's best friend. She was the one out of their friendship group that wasn't afraid to stand up to Alison.
Melissa: Melissa is Spencer's older sister, they don't have the best relationship (but Spence DID kiss her then-fiancee, Wren, in the pilot episode). Melissa didn't have a good relationship with Alison either, Ali fancied Ian (who Melissa married in season 1).
Veronica: Veronica is Spencer and Melissa's mother, she has very high expectations and as she put it in 1x09 'this family doesn't handle imperfection very well'.
Peter: Peter Hastings is Melissa and Spencer's father, in late season 2 it is revealed that Peter had an affair with Alison's mother (Jessica DiLaurentis) and Jason DiLaurentis is his biological son, making him Spencer and Melissa's half brother, and Alison practically their sister.
The Fields family
Emily: Emily was one of Ali's BFFs, she was in love with her too. Alison used the secret of Emily's sexuality against her, and basically made fun of it.
Pam: Pam Fields is Emily's mother, as far as we know, Pam didn't interact with Alison - well not yet anyway! She worked at the Rosewood police station in season 4 but she was the target of -A when they were reported to family services and -A crashed a car into their house.
Wayne: Wayne Fields is Emily's father, along with Pam he doesn't seem to have had any interaction with Alison. Wayne is an officer of the military.
The Marin family
Hanna: Hanna was one of Alison's best friends, she used to binge eat when she was nervous or felt bad, Alison showed her how to 'get rid of it' (by throwing up). Hanna has a history of shoplifting - as shown in the pilot episode.
Ashley: Ashley Marin is Hanna's mom. She works at a bank in Rosewood, and was angered by Hanna's shoplifting habits, and as a result slept with Detective Wilden to keep Hanna from being charged for the offence. In season 4, Ashley is framed by -A for the murder of Wilden.
Tom: Tom Marin is Hanna's dad, he divorced Ashley after his affair with his current wife, Isabel. Tom returns to Rosewood in season 2 to be closer to Hanna but ends up sleeping with Ashley, but she breaks it off once she realises that he will never change. Hanna tells Isabel, at their wedding, that Tom slept with Ashley but they got married when they went home instead.
The DiLaurentis family
Alison: Alison is the former Rosewood Queen Bee. She disappeared during one of the girls sleepovers and her body was found a year later, however in the season 4 Halloween special, it is revealed that Ali is really alive and has been hiding from someone who she is scared of (-A, well - Ezra).
Jason: Jason is Alison's older brother. He doesn't remember much from the night Alison went missing as he was 'passed out' for most of it. He is Spencer and Melissa's half brother. On the night of Ali's disappearance, he saw Melissa and Cece talking outside of his house and thought Cece was Alison because they were wearing practically the same yellow top.
Jessica: Jessica DiLaurentis is Jason and Alison's mother. Jessica organised a fashion show in tribute to Alison who 'lived for this fashion show'. Jessica returns to Rosewood in season 4 and moves into the family's old house, much to the confusion of the liars.
Kenneth: Kenneth DiLaurentis is Alison and Jason's father, he is only seen in the show once, in a flashback where he screams at Hanna for giving Jessica false hope that they would find Alison alive.
Other characters
Caleb Rivers: Caleb is Hanna's boyfriend, and a phone hacker. He helps the girls on more than one occasion, he is shot when he is in the lighthouse with Emily and Nate/Lyndon who he thought was dead. Caleb moves to Ravenswood in season 4 to help Miranda.
Paige McCullers: Paige is Emily's girlfriend, in season 3 it is revealed that Paige and Alison were arch enemies and were in a full on feud with each other, but Alison was sure that by the time she was done with her 'she won't even exist'. Prior to dating, Paige was jealous of Emily's accomplishments and she makes homophobic remarks towards Emily and even physically threatens her.
Nate St. Germain/Lyndon James: Lyndon/Nate is Maya's stalker, he met her at True North and continued to stalk her when she returned to Rosewood and re-kindled her relationship with Emily. He approaches Emily with the intent to befriend her and then kill her. When he was out of town with Emily, the two got into a physical confrontation which results in Emily stabbing him out of self defence, before he dies he manages to shoot Caleb.
Toby Cavanaugh: Toby is Spencer's boyfriend. He was wrongly accused of Alison's murder in season one, and had a brief part on the -A team in season 3 but it was revealed that he only did it to protect Spencer and the other girls.
Ezra Fitz: Ezra is a former teacher at Rosewood high, he and Aria dated briefly before splitting and seeing other people, but then get back together. In season 3 it is revealed that Ezra got his high school girlfriend pregnant but his mother paid her to stay away/have an abortion. Maggie (his high school GF) comes to Rosewood and reveals that her son (Malcolm) is Ezra's son too. This causes friction between Aria and Ezra, and leads to them breaking up. In season 4 Ezra returns to Rosewood high and in the season 4 mid season finale/Halloween episode it is confirmed that Ezra is -A, possibly the leader or a very high rank. This is possibly who Alison is so afraid of.
Jake: Aria dates Jake in season 4, when he first meets Ezra he tells him that he's gotta let Aria move on.
Alex: Spencer briefly dated Alex in season one, but they broke up because -A framed Spencer for applying for a tennis tournament in Alex's name
Cece: Cece is Jason's ex-girlfriend and Alison's friend, they're very similar. Cece arrives in Rosewood in season 3 and helps Spencer apply for college. In season 4, episode 11 (Bring down the hoe) it is revealed that Cece is part of the A Team and in 4x12 the girls discover she is redcoat but is NOT the leader of the A Team, just a diversion and on -A's pay roll.
Noel: Aria briefly dated Noel when she and Ezra were broken up, Noel went on to have relationships with Mona and Jenna. Maya stayed at Noel's cabin when she was 'out of town'.
Jenna: Alison and the girls blinded Jenna the summer before Ali went missing. Jenna was in a relationship with Garrett. Jenna had surgery on her eyes to make her see again, she reveals to Shana, who she seems to be in a relationship with in season 4, that her eyesight is getting worse until she will lose her sight completely.
Shana: Shana is in alliance with Jenna and Melissa, she may be in a relationship with Jenna. Shana and Paige dated for a while during the summer before Emily and Paige got together.
Mona: Mona used to be considered a 'loser', she wasn't popular and Alison used to make fun of her. After Alison's disappearance, Hanna befriended Mona and they went under a huge transformation into the new queen bees. Mona was revealed as -A in 2x25 'UnmAsked'. In season 3, Mona was in Radley until episode 14 where she was released. Mona was kicked off the A Team in the season 3 finale. She was revealed as a new victim of -A in 4x1.
Garrett: Garrett Reynolds is a police officer and he and Jenna attempted to take the liars down. Garrett saw Ali on the night of her 'death' but she was still alive then. He tells this to Spencer on the Halloween train but he is interrupted and killed later on.
Anne Sullivan: Anne is the girls' therapist, she is a victim of -A in season 2.
Detective Darren Wilden: Wilden is a detective that was investigating the murder of Alison DiLaurentis. He slept with Ashley Marin to avoid Hanna being charged for shoplifting. He is murdered in late season 3, and Ashley is framed for the murder in season 4 but in 4x12 it is revealed that Cece is the real murderer.
Lucas: Lucas was an unpopular student, he has/had a crush on Hanna. Hanna and Lucas became friends in season one but grew apart after. Mona had been blackmailing him into co-operating with her in season 3. At the end of season 3, Lucas moved away out of fear and wanting a new start.
Wren: Wren is Melissa's ex-fiancee, who she split up with after seeing him kiss Spencer whom he was attracted to. In season 3, he volunteers at Radley and begins having feelings for Hanna who is visiting Mona. They kiss but Hanna rejects his efforts to 'woo' her, mainly because he dated Spencer for a bit and she is secretly dating Caleb. In season 4 it is revealed that he knows about redcoat and then he goes to London with Melissa, for unknown reasons.
Ian: Ian is Melissa's late husband. Ian liked to tape girls when they were getting dressed, and he taped Jenna and Toby when they were having a sexual relationship. Ian and Melissa were dating before Ali's 'death' but he was having a secret affair with Alison during this time. He also shared a 'moment' with Spencer. In the season 1 finale, Ian tries to kill Spencer and insists he's doing it for Melissa's benefit...but -A pushes Ian off the bell tower before he has the chance, his killer remains a mystery.
Pretty Little Liars returns on January 7, 2014 on ABC Family
The Montgomery family
Aria: As everyone knows (or should know!) Aria Montgomery was one of Alison's best friends. Aria was close with Ali and she was with no other than Miss DiLaurentis when she discovered her father's affair with one of his students, Meredith. Alison used this against her and Mr Montgomery and threatened to tell Aria's mother, Ella. Like her other BFFs Aria hated Alison but also really loved her, kind of a love-hate relationship really.
Mike: Mike is Aria's brother, as far as we know he had no real relationship with Ali. Mike suffered with depression in season 2 after his parents' split, but that wasn't really pursued as a storyline. Mike was absent for the whole of season 3 but returned in season 4a.
Byron: Byron Montgomery is Aria and Mike's father, he had an affair with Meredith, a student at Hollis when he was teaching there - however when the family returned to Rosewood after a year abroad in Iceland, -A revealed Byron's affair to his wife, Ella, in a note. Byron and Ella split and Meredith began dating him. Alison blackmailed Byron for money and he saw her on the night of her 'death'.
Ella: Ella is Aria and Mike's mother. After finding out about Byron's affair, she moved out of the family home - this is what seemed to have triggered Mike's depression - and moved into the apartment above the art gallery she was working at. Ella later became a teacher at Rosewood High school. Ella had a few issues with Alison.
The Hastings family
Spencer: Spencer was Ali's best friend. She was the one out of their friendship group that wasn't afraid to stand up to Alison.
Melissa: Melissa is Spencer's older sister, they don't have the best relationship (but Spence DID kiss her then-fiancee, Wren, in the pilot episode). Melissa didn't have a good relationship with Alison either, Ali fancied Ian (who Melissa married in season 1).
Veronica: Veronica is Spencer and Melissa's mother, she has very high expectations and as she put it in 1x09 'this family doesn't handle imperfection very well'.
Peter: Peter Hastings is Melissa and Spencer's father, in late season 2 it is revealed that Peter had an affair with Alison's mother (Jessica DiLaurentis) and Jason DiLaurentis is his biological son, making him Spencer and Melissa's half brother, and Alison practically their sister.
The Fields family
Emily: Emily was one of Ali's BFFs, she was in love with her too. Alison used the secret of Emily's sexuality against her, and basically made fun of it.
Pam: Pam Fields is Emily's mother, as far as we know, Pam didn't interact with Alison - well not yet anyway! She worked at the Rosewood police station in season 4 but she was the target of -A when they were reported to family services and -A crashed a car into their house.
Wayne: Wayne Fields is Emily's father, along with Pam he doesn't seem to have had any interaction with Alison. Wayne is an officer of the military.
The Marin family
Hanna: Hanna was one of Alison's best friends, she used to binge eat when she was nervous or felt bad, Alison showed her how to 'get rid of it' (by throwing up). Hanna has a history of shoplifting - as shown in the pilot episode.
Ashley: Ashley Marin is Hanna's mom. She works at a bank in Rosewood, and was angered by Hanna's shoplifting habits, and as a result slept with Detective Wilden to keep Hanna from being charged for the offence. In season 4, Ashley is framed by -A for the murder of Wilden.
Tom: Tom Marin is Hanna's dad, he divorced Ashley after his affair with his current wife, Isabel. Tom returns to Rosewood in season 2 to be closer to Hanna but ends up sleeping with Ashley, but she breaks it off once she realises that he will never change. Hanna tells Isabel, at their wedding, that Tom slept with Ashley but they got married when they went home instead.
The DiLaurentis family
Alison: Alison is the former Rosewood Queen Bee. She disappeared during one of the girls sleepovers and her body was found a year later, however in the season 4 Halloween special, it is revealed that Ali is really alive and has been hiding from someone who she is scared of (-A, well - Ezra).
Jason: Jason is Alison's older brother. He doesn't remember much from the night Alison went missing as he was 'passed out' for most of it. He is Spencer and Melissa's half brother. On the night of Ali's disappearance, he saw Melissa and Cece talking outside of his house and thought Cece was Alison because they were wearing practically the same yellow top.
Jessica: Jessica DiLaurentis is Jason and Alison's mother. Jessica organised a fashion show in tribute to Alison who 'lived for this fashion show'. Jessica returns to Rosewood in season 4 and moves into the family's old house, much to the confusion of the liars.
Kenneth: Kenneth DiLaurentis is Alison and Jason's father, he is only seen in the show once, in a flashback where he screams at Hanna for giving Jessica false hope that they would find Alison alive.
Other characters
Caleb Rivers: Caleb is Hanna's boyfriend, and a phone hacker. He helps the girls on more than one occasion, he is shot when he is in the lighthouse with Emily and Nate/Lyndon who he thought was dead. Caleb moves to Ravenswood in season 4 to help Miranda.
Paige McCullers: Paige is Emily's girlfriend, in season 3 it is revealed that Paige and Alison were arch enemies and were in a full on feud with each other, but Alison was sure that by the time she was done with her 'she won't even exist'. Prior to dating, Paige was jealous of Emily's accomplishments and she makes homophobic remarks towards Emily and even physically threatens her.
Nate St. Germain/Lyndon James: Lyndon/Nate is Maya's stalker, he met her at True North and continued to stalk her when she returned to Rosewood and re-kindled her relationship with Emily. He approaches Emily with the intent to befriend her and then kill her. When he was out of town with Emily, the two got into a physical confrontation which results in Emily stabbing him out of self defence, before he dies he manages to shoot Caleb.
Toby Cavanaugh: Toby is Spencer's boyfriend. He was wrongly accused of Alison's murder in season one, and had a brief part on the -A team in season 3 but it was revealed that he only did it to protect Spencer and the other girls.
Ezra Fitz: Ezra is a former teacher at Rosewood high, he and Aria dated briefly before splitting and seeing other people, but then get back together. In season 3 it is revealed that Ezra got his high school girlfriend pregnant but his mother paid her to stay away/have an abortion. Maggie (his high school GF) comes to Rosewood and reveals that her son (Malcolm) is Ezra's son too. This causes friction between Aria and Ezra, and leads to them breaking up. In season 4 Ezra returns to Rosewood high and in the season 4 mid season finale/Halloween episode it is confirmed that Ezra is -A, possibly the leader or a very high rank. This is possibly who Alison is so afraid of.
Jake: Aria dates Jake in season 4, when he first meets Ezra he tells him that he's gotta let Aria move on.
Alex: Spencer briefly dated Alex in season one, but they broke up because -A framed Spencer for applying for a tennis tournament in Alex's name
Cece: Cece is Jason's ex-girlfriend and Alison's friend, they're very similar. Cece arrives in Rosewood in season 3 and helps Spencer apply for college. In season 4, episode 11 (Bring down the hoe) it is revealed that Cece is part of the A Team and in 4x12 the girls discover she is redcoat but is NOT the leader of the A Team, just a diversion and on -A's pay roll.
Noel: Aria briefly dated Noel when she and Ezra were broken up, Noel went on to have relationships with Mona and Jenna. Maya stayed at Noel's cabin when she was 'out of town'.
Jenna: Alison and the girls blinded Jenna the summer before Ali went missing. Jenna was in a relationship with Garrett. Jenna had surgery on her eyes to make her see again, she reveals to Shana, who she seems to be in a relationship with in season 4, that her eyesight is getting worse until she will lose her sight completely.
Shana: Shana is in alliance with Jenna and Melissa, she may be in a relationship with Jenna. Shana and Paige dated for a while during the summer before Emily and Paige got together.
Mona: Mona used to be considered a 'loser', she wasn't popular and Alison used to make fun of her. After Alison's disappearance, Hanna befriended Mona and they went under a huge transformation into the new queen bees. Mona was revealed as -A in 2x25 'UnmAsked'. In season 3, Mona was in Radley until episode 14 where she was released. Mona was kicked off the A Team in the season 3 finale. She was revealed as a new victim of -A in 4x1.
Garrett: Garrett Reynolds is a police officer and he and Jenna attempted to take the liars down. Garrett saw Ali on the night of her 'death' but she was still alive then. He tells this to Spencer on the Halloween train but he is interrupted and killed later on.
Anne Sullivan: Anne is the girls' therapist, she is a victim of -A in season 2.
Detective Darren Wilden: Wilden is a detective that was investigating the murder of Alison DiLaurentis. He slept with Ashley Marin to avoid Hanna being charged for shoplifting. He is murdered in late season 3, and Ashley is framed for the murder in season 4 but in 4x12 it is revealed that Cece is the real murderer.
Lucas: Lucas was an unpopular student, he has/had a crush on Hanna. Hanna and Lucas became friends in season one but grew apart after. Mona had been blackmailing him into co-operating with her in season 3. At the end of season 3, Lucas moved away out of fear and wanting a new start.
Wren: Wren is Melissa's ex-fiancee, who she split up with after seeing him kiss Spencer whom he was attracted to. In season 3, he volunteers at Radley and begins having feelings for Hanna who is visiting Mona. They kiss but Hanna rejects his efforts to 'woo' her, mainly because he dated Spencer for a bit and she is secretly dating Caleb. In season 4 it is revealed that he knows about redcoat and then he goes to London with Melissa, for unknown reasons.
Ian: Ian is Melissa's late husband. Ian liked to tape girls when they were getting dressed, and he taped Jenna and Toby when they were having a sexual relationship. Ian and Melissa were dating before Ali's 'death' but he was having a secret affair with Alison during this time. He also shared a 'moment' with Spencer. In the season 1 finale, Ian tries to kill Spencer and insists he's doing it for Melissa's benefit...but -A pushes Ian off the bell tower before he has the chance, his killer remains a mystery.
Pretty Little Liars returns on January 7, 2014 on ABC Family
Season 4B: Alison
Now, as we found out in the Halloween special, little miss queen bee herself, Alison DiLaurentis, IS alive so we thought that we'd put together a little bit on what we think will happen and where she has been for the past 4 seasons!
The girls
Since Ali 'died' the girls have completely changed and are so different. We want to know what is going to happen with the girls and Ali - how are they going to be around each other?!
Aria: once someone that Ali could trick and make do things that she wasn't completely comfortable with, Aria has completely changed - she's still a romantic though! Aria now is more confident and has really come into her own.
The girls
Since Ali 'died' the girls have completely changed and are so different. We want to know what is going to happen with the girls and Ali - how are they going to be around each other?!
Aria: once someone that Ali could trick and make do things that she wasn't completely comfortable with, Aria has completely changed - she's still a romantic though! Aria now is more confident and has really come into her own.
- She no longer has a pink stripe in her hair - an obvious difference there!
- Once fantasising about dating Noel, she's been there and done that, oh and we don't think she'll go back there again - but anything can happen in Rosewood!
- Aria is a lot smarter and independant nowadays - apart from dating -A (Ezra)!
Emily: Emily was once a shy closeted girl who was in love with Ali, but now she's come out and is now confident.
- Emily isn't afraid of facing up to anything - coming out, and tracking down -A are just two examples.
- Emily is openly gay - which, by the way, is awesome that she's cool with it (everyone should be treated equally!)
Hanna: Hanna was once an overweight girl, craving attention and popularity but, since Alison's disappearance, Hanna has completely transformed herself from someone who wishes she was popular to a queen bee who could be mean sometimes and again to a caring friend who doesn't really care about speaking her mind.
- Hanna was once someone who was manipulated by Alison, after all - she could be nice sometimes, but now she's someone who isn't afraid of being herself.
- Hanna doesn't lack in braveness or passion.
Spencer: Over the time since Ali 'died', Spencer has done nothing but become more sure of herself. She no longer worries about doing what other people want for her (*cough cough* Mr & Mrs Hastings) and she has learnt to create her OWN goals and ambitions.
- Spencer is always ready to battle -A no matter what, and that is why we admire her!
- She's still smart and ambitious but she also has a side to her that she knows she can let her hair down and chill out, and that's great.
We think that when or if Ali comes back to town FULLY, the dynamic between Aria, Emily, Hanna, Spencer and Ali will be so different to what it was BEFORE Alison went missing. The girls are so much more independent and aware of how Ali treated them now that she won't be able to get away with that again! But, we also think that Alison won't try to treat them like that - she's been through a lot too!
Where has she been? How hasn't she been spotted before now? Is someone helping her? This is a topic we aren't sure about, but we have a few theories!
- Alison hasn't been just in one place for the past two years, we think she's been in Ravenswood, maybe Rosewood on a couple of occasions (well, she IS redcoat) and possibly Brookhaven, but we aren't sure about that.
- There could be someone helping her, but WHO?! We've seen a couple of theories and who you guys think is helping her hide ranges from Jason to Cece, but we'll do a full post on who is helping Ali later.
- When we saw Alison in the Halloween episode (4x13) she looked so different to what she does in flashbacks, and we DON'T mean looks. She looked scared - and tired, but that could come from running and hiding all the time. She looked like she has been through A LOT.
- So when she's not hiding, she's saving/helping the girls when they can't do it themselves. Warning Aria that Meredith drugged her, pulling Emily out of the garage, visiting Hanna in the hospital, helping Spencer in Radley... it's like a hobby for Alison.
Pretty Little Liars returns on Tuesday, January 7, 2014 on ABC family
Tuesday, 12 November 2013
Thursday, 31 October 2013
Our favourite quotes
So, we've been looking through our all time FAVOURITE quotes from the girls and picked our #1 for each one of them. Take a look through which WE think are the best.
Your favourite episode?
Because it's Halloween, we thought it would be fun to re-watch each Pretty Little Liars Halloween special! Which one is your favourite episode, and why?
What will you be up to, this Halloween?
What will you be up to, this Halloween?
Happy Halloween! / Throwback Thursday
So, because it is Halloween we decided to do a special TBT, dedicated to all 3 pretty little liars Halloween episodes.
We started in season 2, with 'The First Secret'. This episode was a flashback episode so Alison, Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer were ALL in the episode along with some other characters such as Jenna, Noel, Lucas, Jason, Melissa, etc. The liars go to Noel Kahn's Halloween bash, Ali plays a prank on the girls to see if they would come if she was in danger. This episode is where Ali gets her first -A note.
Moving on to Season 3, with 'This Is A Dark Ride'. This episode takes place on the Halloween train. The liars don't tell each-other what they're going as. Basically, Garrett tells Spencer everything he knows, but when she goes to get Aria someone kills him and locks Aria in a box WITH Garrett's body - lovely. Mona is on the Halloween train dressed as Caleb. Other characters on the train include; Toby, Jason, Jenna, Noel, Caleb etc. This episode guest stars Adam Lambert.
Last but not least, we move on to Season 4 'Grave New World'. This episode was such a shocker but we'll try to briefly sum it up for you guys. The liars are in Ravenswood (creepy central!) and they're basically searching for Ali - they need to find her before -A gets to her! Spencer gets in a fight with -A (well, Ezra), Hanna gets locked in a phone booth in a spooky house, Emily gets told by Mrs Grunwald that the girls need to leave, and Aria helps a girl out of a grave. The episode introduces us to the characters of Ravenswood. The end of the episode drops a MAJOR bombshell, ALISON IS REALLY ALIVE!
Which episode was your favourite? Let us know in the comments section below!
We started in season 2, with 'The First Secret'. This episode was a flashback episode so Alison, Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer were ALL in the episode along with some other characters such as Jenna, Noel, Lucas, Jason, Melissa, etc. The liars go to Noel Kahn's Halloween bash, Ali plays a prank on the girls to see if they would come if she was in danger. This episode is where Ali gets her first -A note.
Moving on to Season 3, with 'This Is A Dark Ride'. This episode takes place on the Halloween train. The liars don't tell each-other what they're going as. Basically, Garrett tells Spencer everything he knows, but when she goes to get Aria someone kills him and locks Aria in a box WITH Garrett's body - lovely. Mona is on the Halloween train dressed as Caleb. Other characters on the train include; Toby, Jason, Jenna, Noel, Caleb etc. This episode guest stars Adam Lambert.
Last but not least, we move on to Season 4 'Grave New World'. This episode was such a shocker but we'll try to briefly sum it up for you guys. The liars are in Ravenswood (creepy central!) and they're basically searching for Ali - they need to find her before -A gets to her! Spencer gets in a fight with -A (well, Ezra), Hanna gets locked in a phone booth in a spooky house, Emily gets told by Mrs Grunwald that the girls need to leave, and Aria helps a girl out of a grave. The episode introduces us to the characters of Ravenswood. The end of the episode drops a MAJOR bombshell, ALISON IS REALLY ALIVE!
Which episode was your favourite? Let us know in the comments section below!
Wednesday, 30 October 2013
PLL returns in 69 days!
Pretty little liars returns in just 69 days! We're all so excited! What have you been doing while your passing the time until PLL returns for it's season 4 winter season? We've been re-watching each season AND reading the books by Sara Shepard!
Tuesday, 29 October 2013
Pretty Little Liars VS. The Lying Game
So, as I mentioned in my last post - I've been watching the lying game recently and I noticed that Mads wore the same dress Aria has done in PLL.
So who do you think wore it better? Aria (PLL) or Mads (The Lying Game)?
So who do you think wore it better? Aria (PLL) or Mads (The Lying Game)?
The Lying Game
I was just watching The Lying Game and I think it's amazing! - Yes, it aired in 2011 & 2012, but I hadn't watched it up until recently, but I've finished the whole show in less than a week! I love it, and I've read the books too so that makes me like it even more, I wish they'd never ended it!! Did any of you guys watch it?
Saturday, 26 October 2013
Season 4b spoliers
- Caleb returns to Rosewood in 4x14 (who's in the box)
- Hanna doesn't tell anyone about the diary she stole from A's lair in 4x12 until AFTER she reads it but it goes missing before Aria and Spencer get to read it
- Hanna has a secret history with Mike
- Haleb break up
- Hanna and Travis kiss in 'close encounters'
- Spencer makes a deal with her Dad about Jason
- Toby will continue to search for answers about his mother
- Ezra and Mona have a chat over drinks in 4x14
- Mona may know Ezra's secret and could want to be part of it
- We will see Ezra in Hanna's bedroom in 'Love ShAck, Baby'
- Jaria break up
- A targets Jake by putting knifes in his punching ball
- Jake sees a scary side of Ezra and warns Aria to be careful in 'close encounters'
- Emily opens up to Paige about her feelings for Alison
- Spencer comes between Ali and Emily
- Alison reaches out to Emily in 'Love shAck, baby' and 'close encounters'
- Jason is in rehab
Credit to PLLSPOILERS on Instagram
Wednesday, 23 October 2013
Sunday, 20 October 2013
Halloween episode spoilers
Episode Summary: Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer crash the Ravenswood Founders Day Celebration after finding a clue in "A's" new lair: Ali is alive. Dressed in their finest Edwardian wear, the ladies hit the creepy cemetery party to find Ali before "A" can. But if Ali is truly alive, could the liars be leading "A" straight to their friend without knowing it? With Ezra lurking in the shadows, he may be closer than the girls realize.
Meanwhile, Caleb heads to Ravenswood to help the girls and meets kindred soul Miranda along the way.
The episode is called 'Grave New World'
The episode takes place straight after 4x12, and takes place at the Ravenswood celebration
The episode will be at Halloween but won't be set at Halloween (according to Joseph Daugherty)
Oliver Goldstick said that there will be a huge plot twist at the end of the episode that will link to Ravenswood and 4B
Maya Goldsmith said that this Halloween will be 'the darkest yet'
Lucy Hale said that this episode was her favourite to film
Caleb makes his decision to stay in Ravenswood in this episode
Mrs Grunwald knows more than she is letting on about Ali and who she is afraid of, but she may hint about who this is
Sasha Pieterse and Lucy Hale both said that we'll find out if Alison really IS alive in this episode.
Spencer may have a fight scene involving a pair of garden trimmers
Hanna and Mona have a scene together
Sasha Pieterse said that the episode is freaky but beautiful at the same time
Caleb, Ezra and Toby are in the episode
Lucy Hale called it the most shocking episode the show has ever done
CeCe could re-appear as RedCoat
Tuesday, 15 October 2013
7 days to go...
It's only 7 days until PLL returns with its Halloween episode! And we're super excited! The Pretty Little Liars go all out every single year, and it's great! I love how they have a completely different 'theme' each Halloween!
Will you be watching the Halloween special? 4x13 looks to be a shocker!
Thursday, 10 October 2013
Throwback Thursday
In the spirit of the Halloween episode in just under 2 weeks, this week's TBT is dedicated to the season 2 Halloween episode. I absolutely ADORED these costumes!
I also loved the episode, because Alison was in it for the ENTIRE time, I love Ali flashbacks because she's so mysterious and intriguing!
Who's costume did you like best?
I also loved the episode, because Alison was in it for the ENTIRE time, I love Ali flashbacks because she's so mysterious and intriguing!
Who's costume did you like best?
Wednesday, 9 October 2013
Lucy Hale - Company magazine
Here in the UK we're huge fans of the PLLs, so its always super exciting when one of them covers a UK magazine. Lucy Hale (Aria) covers the November issue of Company magazine, and she looks AMAZING!
Do you like Lucy's cover? Let us know in the comments section.
Do you like Lucy's cover? Let us know in the comments section.
Congratulations Tammin & Sean!
Tammin Sursok (Jenna) gave birth to a daughter on Tuesday October 8 (US Weekly reports). The little one is called Phoenix Emmanuel Sursok-McEwen and weighed in at 9 pounds, 12 ounces. Phoenix is the first child for Tammin and her hubby, Sean McEwen.
Congratulations Tammin and Sean!
Congratulations Tammin and Sean!
Wednesday, 2 October 2013
Aria's edgy look
I love Aria's style. I love the way she has a simple dress or something and kinda edges it and changes it up with her accessories and shoes. I think it really reflects her personality.
Do you like Aria's style?
Tuesday, 1 October 2013
Twin, or no twin?
I know that a lot of people believe in the twin theory because of the books, etc. but I really don't believe in it, I mean I liked it in the books but I think that it would be too predictable to do it in the show.
I'd be really disappointed if they did go down the twin route, I feel like it's far too predictable.
I'd be really disappointed if they did go down the twin route, I feel like it's far too predictable.
This is some seriously messed up stuff...
In this scene (where Spencer is sleeping on the couch downstairs and Ali visits her) Alison says 'don't miss what's parked right in front of you' - ALISON WAS 'PARKED RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER', is this a hint that Alison really IS alive? I think it does, yes.
What do you think? Let us know in the comments.
Tuesday, 24 September 2013
Halloween episode
It's only 28 days until the PLL Halloween special!
I can't wait! What are you most excited about? Im super excited about seeing if Ali really is alive!
Sunday, 22 September 2013
Aria is -A
I don't believe in this theory but a lot of people do, so I thought I'd post some theories of Aria being -A.
Theory 1 - In season one Mona shouted to Aria 'Hey Big A wait up' and Marlene tweeted a fan #BigA when they asked if they could have a hint on who -A was.
Theory 2 - In 2x25 the writers said -A would be 'unmAsked' Aria took off her mask at the masquerade ball...the writers also said that -A would be dressed as the black swan, Aria was.
Theory 3 - When the girls were on the halloween train in 3x13, Aria wrote her name on the window, her A was the exact same to how -A writes it, coincidence?
Theory 4 - On one of the promo posters, Aria's feet are handcuffed, she's also the one to do the 'shh' in the title scene, does this mean Aria is hiding something bigger?
Theory 5 - Mona said to Aria and Hanna 'Miss Aria You're A Killer Not Ezra's Wife' this spelt out Maya Knew, yes but why would Mona specifically say 'You're a killer' if it didn't mean anything?
Thursday, 19 September 2013
Theories on Red Coat, -A and Alison
Red Coat:
There are two red coats, one is good and one is bad. Cece is the one trying to hurt the girls, I'm not sure why but she's the one who's working with (or maybe for) Uber A.
The second Red Coat is Ali, Ali is the one trying to help the girls, she's the one trying to keep them safe...that's why she pulled them out of the fire in 3x24, that's why she turned the machine off when Emily was in the box in 4x12, it's why she pulled Emily out of the garage in 2x12, it's why she warned Aria not to drink the tea in 3x16, it's why she visited Hanna in the hospital when Mona knocked her down with her car, she wanted to know Hanna was safe.
Alison is alive. She visits the girls every so often because she misses them, sometimes it's when they're drugged or when they're tired so they think its a dream, she misses them. She knows who -A is, she wants to tell the girls but she can't so everytime she visits them she drops hints - for example, when Toby was -A Ali visited Aria and she said 'everywhere I turn, and so do you. I'm surprised Spencer hasn't figured that out yet' when Aria asked if Ali sees -A, this is a subtle hint that not everyone might pick up on. When Spencer was searching for clues about Ali's death in 2x24, Ali visited her in the night and said she needed something from the bag, she said that she was glad they (the girls) hadn't given up, she also said that Spencer shouldn't get hung up on the details and miss what's parked right in front of her...(meaning Alison, and that she was alive). Then, Ali found painkillers and asked if she could take some for the road, I think by this she meant, could she take some for the journey to Ravenswood as that's where she seems to have been hiding.
There isn't just one -A, obviously, but there's a team. Mona - the original A - I'm not sure whether she is or isn't involved anymore. Toby - who clearly isn't involved anymore. There's Red Coat, who I think is being paid by Uber A, I think this red coat is Cece. And then there's Uber A. The mastermind controlling the entire operation, I think this could be Ezra, I know it was basically confirmed in the summer finale but is it true? I think yes. He's a teacher so he's intelligent enough. He taught the girls so he knows them well enough, He has an on/off relationship with Aria! She tells him almost everything! I believe Ezra is -A.
What do you think? Let me know by commenting!
Tuesday, 13 August 2013
Wednesday, 7 August 2013
Tuesday, 6 August 2013
Sunday, 4 August 2013
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